Pacific Ventures Beta
Qual é o Beta de Pacific Ventures?
O Beta de Pacific Ventures Group, Inc. é -0.43
Qual é a definição de Beta?
BETA indica se uma ação é mais ou menos volátil do que o mercado como um todo. Um beta menor que 1 indica que o estoque é menos volátil do que o mercado, enquanto um beta maior que 1 indica que o estoque é mais volátil. A volatilidade é medida como a flutuação do preço em torno da média.
Beta is a measure of the risk arising from exposure to general market movements as opposed to idiosyncratic factors. The market portfolio of all investable assets has a beta of exactly 1. A beta below 1 can indicate either an investment with lower volatility than the market, or a volatile investment whose price movements are not highly correlated with the market. A beta greater than one generally means that the asset both is volatile and tends to move up and down with the market. Beta is important because it measures the risk of an investment that cannot be reduced by diversification. It does not measure the risk of an investment held on a stand-alone basis, but the amount of risk the investment adds to an already-diversified portfolio. In the capital asset pricing model, beta risk is the only kind of risk for which investors should receive an expected return higher than the risk-free rate of interest.
Beta de empresas na Setor Consumer Staples em OTC em comparação com Pacific Ventures
O que Pacific Ventures faz?
Pacific Ventures Group, Inc., through its subsidiaries, produces, sells, and distributes alcohol-infused ice creams and ice-pops. It sells its alcohol-infused ice-pops and ice creams under the SnöBar brand name. The company is also involved in the sale and lease of freezers, as well as the provision of marketing services; and wholesale and retail of fresh and specialty produce, and food products to restaurants, hotels, clubs and bars, resorts, food trucks, and caterers. Pacific Ventures Group, Inc. is headquartered in Los Angeles, California.
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