Meta de 1 ano
Qual é o Meta de 1 ano de
O Meta de 1 ano de Inc. é $3,830 +1,975.92%
Qual é a definição de Meta de 1 ano?
A meta de 1 ano é um preço previsto para as ações daqui a um ano.
One year target is an estimate of a stock price for a point in time equal to a year from the current date. The price level most often reflects the collective opinion of different analysts on where the stock will be trading a year from now. For an analyst to identify an individual estimate, they have to project what a company’s business will look like in a year, typically focusing on revenue and other significant factors. They also consider the willingness of investors to pay a certain price. While the average or median recommendation may be predictive and reflect the actual future value, the results are usually not extremely successful.
Meta de 1 ano de empresas na Setor Consumer Discretionary em NASDAQ em comparação com
O que faz?, Inc. is an American multinational technology company focusing on e-commerce, cloud computing, online advertising, digital streaming, and artificial intelligence.
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