Affimed N.V Volatilidade

Qual é o Volatilidade de Affimed N.V?

O Volatilidade de Affimed N.V. é 6.44%

Qual é a definição de Volatilidade?

A volatilidade ou o percentual médio real do intervalo (ATRP 14) é o ATR expresso como uma porcentagem do preço de fechamento.

Average true range percent (ATRP) measures volatility on a relative level. This is opposed to the ATR, which measures volatility on an absolute level. ATRP allows securities to be compared whereas ATR does not. That means lower-priced stocks won't necessarily have lower ATR values than higher-priced stocks.

The period used in the calculation is 14 days and the normalized indicator oscillates between 0 and 100 percent of recent price variation. Importantly, the indicator doesn't predict the direction of price but it describes the current volatility. The volatility is comparable across all securities and all markets.

Volatility expresses the degree of price movement. The use of ATRP as volatility compared to ATR is preferred in cases when different securities or different time periods are compared. Examples are stock screening, filtering strategies, and studying seasonality and volatility patterns over long periods of time and different markets

Volatilidade de empresas na Setor Health Care em NASDAQ em comparação com Affimed N.V

O que Affimed N.V faz?

affimed (symbol: afmd) is a nasdaq-listed clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on discovering and developing targeted immuno-oncology therapies. immuno-oncology represents a highly promising approach to cancer treatment that seeks to harness the body’s own immune defenses to attack and destroy tumor cells. natural killer cells, or nk-cells, and t-cells belong to the most potent cells of the human defense arsenal. affimed’s proprietary, next-generation bispecific antibodies, termed tandabs®, are designed to bring nk-cells or t-cells into close proximity to cancer cells that ultimately triggers a signal cascade that leads to the destruction of cancer cells. due to their novel tetravalent tandem architecture, which provides for four binding domains, the tandabs bind to specific targets on immune and cancer cells with high affinity. in addition, tandabs exhibit kinetic properties allowing the administration as regular intravenous infusion and fine-tuning of dosing. affimed beli

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