O EBITDA margin de QIWI plc é 0.31%
EBITDA margin is a profitability ratio that measures how much EBITDA the company generates as a percentage of revenue.
ttm (trailing twelve months)
EBITDA margin measures how much of EBITDA is generated as a percentage of sales. It measures the company’s operating profit as a percentage of its revenue and is calculated as EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization) divided by total revenue.
EBITDA margin also helps with judging the effectiveness of cost-cutting processes at the company. The higher the company’s EBITDA margin, the lower operating expenses are in respect to revenue. As a result, a higher EBITDA margin is considered more favorable. Smaller companies can have higher EBITDA margins since they are able to operate more efficiently and maximize their profitability.
EBITDA excludes interest on debt, taxes, and capital expenditures, the margin does not provide a perfectly clear estimate of the business’s cash flow generation. Furthermore, EBITDA margin is not recognized as a GAAP (generally accepted accounting principles) metric.
qiwi is a leading provider of next generation payment services in russia and the cis. it has an integrated proprietary network that enables payment services across physical, online and mobile channels. it has deployed over 17.3 million virtual wallets, over 177,000 kiosks and terminals, and enabled merchants to accept over rub 50 billion cash and electronic payments monthly from over 70 million consumers using its network at least once a month. qiwi’s consumers can use cash, stored value and other electronic payment methods to order and pay for goods and services across physical or online environments interchangeably. qiwi – ведущий платежный сервис нового поколения в россии и странах снг, которому принадлежит интегрированная платежная сеть, позволяющая производить платежи по физическим, интернет и мобильным каналам связи. она включает свыше 17,3 млн виртуальных кошельков и более 177 000 терминалов и точек приема платежей. с помощью qiwi торговые компании принимают платежи (в денежной