O Propriedade institucional de Bancorp 34 Inc é 0.00%
Propriedade Institucional é a quantidade de ações disponíveis de uma empresa pertencentes a fundos mútuos ou de pensão, seguradoras, empresas de investimento, doações ou outras grandes entidades que administram fundos em nome de terceiros.
Given the considerable sums of money that institutions invest, it is not surprising that they tend to be much more knowledgeable than the average investor when it comes to the companies and industries in which they have invested.
Institutional portfolio managers often meet personally with a company's top executives, and in many cases the research they conduct is further supported by equity analysts who evaluate prospective companies and industries in great depth before making specific investment recommendations.
the rewards and successes of those willing to stand independent are evident. since 1934, we’ve been standing independent and achieving these same successes while working to help our clients to do the same. we’re a local bank dedicated to truly helping you realize your passion of individualism and innovation, and reap the rewards of your creative efforts. our genuine attention to customer care has been shaped by our own lessons learned from what it takes to remain authentic in a world of large banks. we’re proud to stand independent, and feel privileged to help you do the same.