O EBITDA margin de Eicher Motors Limited é 19.83%
EBITDA margin is a profitability ratio that measures how much EBITDA the company generates as a percentage of revenue.
ttm (trailing twelve months)
EBITDA margin measures how much of EBITDA is generated as a percentage of sales. It measures the company’s operating profit as a percentage of its revenue and is calculated as EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization) divided by total revenue.
EBITDA margin also helps with judging the effectiveness of cost-cutting processes at the company. The higher the company’s EBITDA margin, the lower operating expenses are in respect to revenue. As a result, a higher EBITDA margin is considered more favorable. Smaller companies can have higher EBITDA margins since they are able to operate more efficiently and maximize their profitability.
EBITDA excludes interest on debt, taxes, and capital expenditures, the margin does not provide a perfectly clear estimate of the business’s cash flow generation. Furthermore, EBITDA margin is not recognized as a GAAP (generally accepted accounting principles) metric.
Eicher Motors Limited manufactures and sells motorcycles and commercial vehicles in India and internationally. The company owns the Royal Enfield motorcycle brand that offers Classic, Bullet, Himalayan, Interceptor INT 650, Continental GT 650, and Thunderbird models. It designs, develops, manufactures, assembles, and sells two-wheelers, as well as sells related parts and accessories. The company, through its joint venture, Volvo Eicher Commercial Vehicles Limited, manufactures and sells light and medium duty trucks, heavy duty trucks, and buses under the Eicher brand; Volvo trucks; and engineering components and aggregates. Eicher Motors Limited was founded in 1948 and is based in Gurugram, India.